
Large picture book

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MedienartSerie/Reihe [Serie/Reihe]
Titel Large picture book
Weitere TitelVictoria and Albert Museum
Körperschaft Victoria and Albert Museum
Nummer1093378395 (K10Plus-Nummer)
Band1. Georgian Furniture / introd. by Ralph Edwards. - 2. ed. - 1958
2. ¬The¬ nineteenth century / James Laver ; Victoria and Albert Museum. - 1947
5. ¬The¬ Raphael cartoons / Victoria & Albert Museum. Introd. by John Pope-Hennessy. - 1. publ., repr. - 1950
9. Seventeenth and eightteenth century costume / Introduction by James Laver. - 1959
10. English chairs / Ralph Edwards. - 1951
13. English printed textiles : 1720 - 1836 / Victoria & Albert Museum. - 1960
14. Samplers / by Donald King. - 1960
17. ¬The¬ engraved work of Eric Gill / Victoria and Albert Museum. [Catalogue of the engravings comp. by John Physick]. - 1963
18. Art Nouveau and Alphonse Mucha / [Victoria & Albert Museum]. By Brian Reade. - 1963
25. English desks and bureaux / J. F. Hayward. - 1968
29. Bohemian glass : [in conjunction with the exhibition in the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1965] / Victoria and Albert Museum. - 1965
32. Aubrey Beardsley : [1. publ. on the occasion of the Aubrey Beardsley Exhibition held at the Victoria and Albert Museum May - September 1966] / by Brian Reade. - 1966
35. Edward Gordon Craig : 1872 - 1966 / Victoria and Albert Museum. George Nash. - 1967
38. Fine illustrations in Western European printed books / by T. M. MacRobert. - 1969
URL zum SWB PPN 1093378395


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