
The collections of the National Gallery of Art systematic catalogue

Gesucht wurde mit: PPN=1094210102;, Treffer: 1

MedienartSerie/Reihe [Serie/Reihe]
Titel The collections of the National Gallery of Art systematic catalogue
Körperschaft National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC)
VeröffentlichungWashington : Percy Lund, Humphries and Co. (London)
Nummer1094210102 (K10Plus-Nummer)
BandAmerican naive paintings / National Gallery of Art, Washington; Deborah Chotner. [Ed. by Judith Millon]. - 1992
American paintings of the eighteenth century / Ellen G. Miles. With contributions by Patricia Burda .. - c1995
British paintings of the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries / John Hayes. - 1992
Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century / Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr. - 1995
Early Netherlandish painting / John Oliver Hand; Martha Wolff. National Gallery of Art, Washington. - 1986
Edgar Degas sculpture / National Gallery of Art, Washington. Suzanne Glover Lindsay; Daphne S. Barbour, and Shelley G. Sturman ... - 2010
European sculpture of the nineteenth century / Ruth Butler ; Suzanne Glover Lindsay. - 2001
Flemish paintings of the seventeenth century / Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. - 2005
French paintings of the nineteenth century / Lorenz Eitner
German paintings of the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries / John Oliver Hand. - 1993
Italian paintings of the fifteenth century / National Gallery of Art, Washington. Miklós Boskovits and David Alan Brown. [Ed. in chief Judy Metro]. - 2003
Italian paintings of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Diane de Grazia, Eric Garberson, with Edgar Peters... - c1996
Renaissance medals / John Graham Pollard. With the assistance of Eleonora Luciano and Maria Pollard
Spanish paintings of the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries / National Gallery of Art, Washington. Jonathan Brown, Richard G. Mann. - 1990
Western decorative arts : medieval, renaissance and historicizing styles including metalwork, enamels and ceramics
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